
At Falcon, we believe a consistent, engaging approach to the teaching of mathematics across the school is key in obtaining the best outcomes for all our children. While each teacher brings their own style and personality to their lessons, as a staff we ensure that all lessons meet the following agreed criteria:

To build fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills.

To promote a “we can” attitude - building resilience and an excitement for maths.

All children have daily maths lessons, which provide a varied range of activities to inspire and engage them. We use equipment and practical tasks to help them understand the maths concepts they are learning before moving onto the more abstract strategies of calculations.

By the end of year 6 the children will be able to:

-have developed, within their capabilities, not only the mathematical skills and understanding required for later life, but also have an enthusiasm and a positive approach to the subject.

-have confidence in completing maths calculations, the use of logical thinking and use of mathematical language.

-have a range of mental and written strategies which can be used with speed and accuracy and see the links that can be made through different areas of mathematics.

-apply mathematics to everyday situations and solve problems

-to have built some reasoning skills and be able to explain their thinking

High 5

High 5 sessions are quick burst maths sessions of 10 -15 minutes which focus on practising written and mental maths skills, building confidence and fluency.

Times tables

Quick recall of the times table facts are really important so we have weekly tests with a focus on a given multiplication table. To support children to practise and build speed of recall, we use a web based app called 'Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS)'. We regularly have whole school challenges to help motivate the children. Challenges have included Battle of the Bands where in each year group class are head to head, Top Rocker – fastest and most improved child in each class and we have even had competition between the staff too!.

Maths problems

At Falcon, we give lots of opportunities for children to build their problem solving skills. Each term we have a focus week, where we teach and use different strategies to solve a range of problems (See maths problem solving poster). Last year we participated in Math Week England. We focused on problem solving and also learnt about some famous mathematicians including Pascal, Fibonacci and Euler. The children had great fun discovering patterns in nature, investigation Pascal’s triangle and trying to solve Euler’s Bridge of Konigsberg.

Maths booklets

To help parent's support their children we have created a booklet for each year group which explains how we teach the methods for the 4 operations.


The skills maps for each year group show what National curriculum objectives are covered, vocabulary and links to maths problems.

If you have any questions about maths please contact our maths lead, Miss Sturgeon.
Year group skills map
Year group maths booklets for parents